Saturday, October 1, 2011


Just to bring you up to date -

You will have seen by the message below that we are looking for 2 new Chaplains.

The reason?  Our Chaplain Colin has left us to follow his change of career - he's going to study to become a Community Development Officer.  He's cramming a 3 year course into one. 
As sure is he can be this career in community development is what God wants him to pursue and he says 'I doubt that this would have become clear to me without my involvement in the chaplaincy.'  Lovely to hear that!  It's been lovely to work along side him.
We thank Colin for all he did in his year with us, and of course wish him Gods richest blessing in his new career.
Colin - Thanks for all you've done
So if you feel you'd like to apply for the Chaplains posts please go to the Job Vacancy at the right of the blog & apply by clicking the HUGE blue button!