Thursday, June 21, 2012

Closing date has now passed!

Hi it's now the longest day in the year 21st June and we want to bring you up to date - the closing date has passed and now the hard work begins!
We have 5 applications from 5 impressive people. This is the most applications we have ever had which is brilliant but makes it even harder to choose!
Thanks folks for your interest. 
We meet on Monday for the interviews and decide who we would like to come on board.
 Please continue to pray that we choose the people that God wants for the 2 positions

So as they say:-

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Closing date for Chaplains post

Just a reminder that the closing date for the Chaplains post is Saturday 16th June.

If you feel led to apply please go to the Job Vacancy page on the right of our Home page and click on the HUGE blue button at the foot of the page and fill in the info.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Have a happy Jubilee holiday