Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Job Vacancy

Have you a few hours a week to spare?
Do you have a heart for those working in retail, particularly in these difficult times?
Are you a good listener?
Would you like to take the love of Christ into one of our local shopping centres?
We are looking for a Voluntary Chaplain to work in Cameron Toll Shopping Centre on a job-share basis with a Chaplain currently in post initially for one year with the opportunity to continue.
Applicants should be committed church members.
The Chaplains (each working approximately 4 hours a week,) provide pastoral support to the centre management & shop personnel, as well as to members of the public visiting the Centre.
The Chaplaincy is unpaid, but agreed out-of-pocket expenses are met & a small allowance made for telephone calls etc. Training & ongoing support will be provided.

Further information & an application form can be obtained by
email from camerontollchaplaincy@gmail.com or clicking on the Job Vacany page link.
Forms should then be submitted by Saturday 16th June 2012.

Interviews will take place soon after.