As part of Cameron Toll Shopping Centre’s commitment to supporting local community groups it will run its annual Easter collection for Edinburgh children’s charities.
Big hearted visitors to the shopping centre are being asked to donate a chocolate egg to help give some of the Capital’s children a better Easter this year .
The initiative, which is being run by Cameron Toll Shopping Centre & ourselves, will see the donated chocolate eggs being distributed to local children via Home Link Family Support & Barnados.
Home Link Family Support is a befriending service for families with pre-school age children & provides therapeutic family support in Midlothian for families with children under 12 years. It provides a variety of services to families with young children who are under stress or experiencing difficulties. The core element of the service is a high quality befriending service which provides support for the whole family & is based in the family’s home. Volunteer Befrienders are carefully recruited & trained & are then matched with a family to provide focused support to meet the needs of the family.
As one of the UK's leading children's charities, Barnardo's works directly with over 190,000 children, young people & their families every year. It runs over 800 vital projects across the UK, including counselling for children who have been abused, fostering & adoption services, vocational training & disability inclusion groups. Every Barnardo's project is different but each believes in the potential in every child & young person, no matter who they are, what they have done or what they have been through.
Donations should be left in the centre in a specially created box located by the lift in the centre’s Centre Mall between
23rd March and 3rd April
The Chaplaincy will collect the eggs on 3rd April & will distribute them by Easter Sunday to our chosen children's charities
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