Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Welcome to our 2 new Chaplains

We are happy to announce that after our interviews last Monday we have 2 new Chaplains.

 Funnily enough they both worship at the same church, ST Paul's & St George's fondly known as Ps&Gs in York Place!

Let us introduce them to you:-

Reuben Addis

 Danielle Milne

They're going to be working together for a month or two on a Tuesday & Friday mornings in Cameron Toll so if you see them please say hello and make them feel welcome.
Look out for them in the navy blue fleeces with the word Chaplain on the back! That'll be a big clue to who they are!

Please pray that our new Chaplains will soon feel at home and will enjoy this new voluntary role whether they be working together or working solo.

We'd also just like to take this opportunity to thank all our supporting churches within SEECAT (South East Edinburgh Churches Acting Together) and NCT (Newington Churches Together) for all their support and prayers.
As well as others who pray without us knowing!


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