For the third
year running CTC has been invited to assist Cameron Toll with their Easter egg
campaign, and we would like your help.
Last year we
were delighted to distribute 100 eggs to Barnardo's and HomeLink.
Our two Charities
for 2013 are:
Basics Bank which is in
partnership with Edinburgh City Mission
together with a local network of voluntary and charitable agencies, who refer
clients for assistance which ensures that help is given to those with genuine
needs. Basics Bank does not offer permanent help; it helps people on their way
out of crisis, a hand-up, not a hand-out. Help can be provided for up to 6
weeks, after which the need for further assistance will re-assessed. Basics
Bank also provides tuition in English as a foreign language on request. A new
Basic Bank has just opened in Newington - this will be the Basics Bank we will
be helping.
Our second charity
is the Salvation Army
The Salvation Army of course needs no
introduction - they work tirelessly within Edinburgh.
So we ask
you, when you buy one Easter egg please buy another and donate it in the big
box outside Sainsbury’s from Monday 11th March until Wednesday 27th March.
Many thanks
for your continued help and prayers.
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