Tuesday, December 25, 2012


The members of Cameron Toll Chaplaincy would like to wish all our supporting churches a wonderfully blessed Christmas time. 2013 is just round the corner so we also wish you all a happy and healthy year. Thank you for your continued prayers. God bless you at this special time of the year.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Cameron Toll Chaplaincy Sunday

Just to remind our our faithful friends that this Sunday 28th October is Cameron Toll Chaplaincy Sunday where we ask anyone who knows us pray for us.

Please see below for our prayer points

We have our 2 newish Chaplains Reuben Addis and Danielle Milne who are going to be visiting 2 of our supporting churches on Sunday.  Reuben will be at SEECAT's Liberton Kirk at the 11am service while Danielle will be attending our NCT's  Priestfield church 10.30am service.

If you would like to meet either of them please make your way to either of the churches.

Thanks for your prayers - please join us to pray for the continual work of Cameron Toll Chaplaincy

Monday, October 8, 2012

CTC Sunday

Sunday 28th October 2012
This will be our 4th CTC Sunday where we specifically ask our supporting churches in SEECAT (South East Churches Acting Together) & NCT (Newington Churches Together) to pray for our Chaplains and they work the do in Cameron Toll.
This is our prayer points for 2012

For our AGM on 8th November—to agree on the way forward in 2013 which best meets the needs of Cameron Toll

For the new chaplains Reuben & Danielle — as they provide a Christian presence at Cameron Toll
For all the employees at Cameron Toll—to meet the challenges of the difficult commercial environment
For wisdom for the Cameron Toll Steering Group as they seek ways of improving the profile of the Chaplaincy and guide and advise the chaplains in their work at the centre.

Any queries or comments please contact us on our blog

We thank God for everyone who prays for us, known and unknown - we appreciate you all.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Welcome to our 2 new Chaplains

We are happy to announce that after our interviews last Monday we have 2 new Chaplains.

 Funnily enough they both worship at the same church, ST Paul's & St George's fondly known as Ps&Gs in York Place!

Let us introduce them to you:-

Reuben Addis

 Danielle Milne

They're going to be working together for a month or two on a Tuesday & Friday mornings in Cameron Toll so if you see them please say hello and make them feel welcome.
Look out for them in the navy blue fleeces with the word Chaplain on the back! That'll be a big clue to who they are!

Please pray that our new Chaplains will soon feel at home and will enjoy this new voluntary role whether they be working together or working solo.

We'd also just like to take this opportunity to thank all our supporting churches within SEECAT (South East Edinburgh Churches Acting Together) and NCT (Newington Churches Together) for all their support and prayers.
As well as others who pray without us knowing!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Closing date has now passed!

Hi it's now the longest day in the year 21st June and we want to bring you up to date - the closing date has passed and now the hard work begins!
We have 5 applications from 5 impressive people. This is the most applications we have ever had which is brilliant but makes it even harder to choose!
Thanks folks for your interest. 
We meet on Monday for the interviews and decide who we would like to come on board.
 Please continue to pray that we choose the people that God wants for the 2 positions

So as they say:-

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Closing date for Chaplains post

Just a reminder that the closing date for the Chaplains post is Saturday 16th June.

If you feel led to apply please go to the Job Vacancy page on the right of our Home page and click on the HUGE blue button at the foot of the page and fill in the info.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Have a happy Jubilee holiday

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

An Eggstra Brilliant Easter Egg Project 2012

This year is our 2nd Easter Egg Collection and we would like to say a


thank you to everyone who donated to CT Easter Egg appeal.

We collected an egg-ceedingly egg-cellent record number of eggs - 100 to be eggs-act!


which was absolutely brilliant!

Thank you especially to the anonymous lady who brought in 28 eggs from a local office the night before the project ended! 

Thank you all so much, there were 100 eggs-tra happy local children this Easter weekend :-) 

The Chaplaincy delivered the eggs to the kids projects and here are some photo's - although not brilliant but proving that our Chaplain Fiona collected them with the help of our Treasurer Margaret and delivered them without even eating one of them!!

The last photo is of the delighted staff at Homelink receiving them!

So again many thanks to all of you who helped us make this an extra special Easter for 2 of Edinburgh's worthwhile kids charities

Friday, March 23, 2012


Bethflower.jpg image by permanent-transition 


As part of Cameron Toll Shopping Centre’s commitment to supporting local community groups it will run its annual Easter collection for Edinburgh children’s charities.

Big hearted visitors to the shopping centre are being asked to donate a chocolate egg to help give some of the Capital’s children a better Easter this year .

The initiative, which is being run by Cameron Toll Shopping Centre & ourselves, will see the donated chocolate eggs being distributed to local children via Home Link Family Support & Barnados.

Home Link Family Support is a befriending service for families with pre-school age children & provides therapeutic family support in Midlothian for families with children under 12 years.  It provides a variety of services to families with young children who are under stress or experiencing difficulties. The core element of the service is a high quality befriending service which provides support for the whole family & is based in the family’s home. Volunteer Befrienders are carefully recruited & trained & are then matched with a family to provide focused support to meet the needs of the family.

As one of the UK's leading children's charities, Barnardo's works directly with over 190,000 children, young people & their families every year.  It runs over 800 vital projects across the UK, including counselling for children who have been abused, fostering & adoption services, vocational training & disability inclusion groups.  Every Barnardo's project is different but each believes in the potential in every child & young person, no matter who they are, what they have done or what they have been through.

Donations should be left in the centre in a specially created box located by the lift in the centre’s Centre Mall between
23rd March and 3rd April

The Chaplaincy will collect the eggs on 3rd April & will distribute them by Easter Sunday to our chosen children's charities

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Chaplain resigned & New Chairperson appointed

Unfortunately the end of February saw the resignation of Alan.  We wish him God's blessing as he continues to work at his new job in Gorgie.  This leaves us with a space for a new Chaplain - again if you're interested in volunteering for 4 hours a week in Cameron Toll shopping centre (that leaves you plenty of time for some retail therapy after!)  click on the HUGE blue button under vacancy in this blog.

On a more exciting note - we have appointed a new Chairperson to keep us all under control!  This person, which is a first for the Chaplaincy, is a lovely lady namely Janet Sidaway who worships at St Peter's Episcopal Church in Lutton Place.  Now what do we call her - apart from Janet? Chairperson? Chairlady?  Or how about just Chair?  Whatever the name tag we welcome you on board Janet and hope you enjoy the challege.